
Our Story

National Pet Salvation is a 501 C-3 non-profit organization whose aim is to help provide financial assistance to sick pets that first enter the shelter within weeks of birth. Many times pets are injured, have been in accidents, abandoned, or even traumatized by encountering toxins, or diseases from being exposed to the environment or other animals.Unfortunately, when they’re bright into rescue shelters, it’s hard to find people to adopt these beautiful loving pets because they are ill and many times, most people do not want to adopt a sick animal. Therefore, either 2 things happen: the rescue centers end up not telling you that the pet is sick or new owners don’t want to adopt the pet because insurance companies will not cover a pre-existing condition. So therefore , the owner is left having to cover out of pocket medical expenses at the time of a very young age. However one thing the shelters and the owners have in common is that they don’t want to see any animals euthanized.

The goal of this organization, is to help to provide funding to help these pets get the services and medical help they need in order to save their lives and encourage a healthy future not only for themselves but also gift a new owner with the unconditional love that a dog or cat can give to a human.we want to save lives, we want to eliminate euthanization, and encourage adoptions and decrease the financial burdens amongst families that don’t have the funds to adopt and care for a new fur baby addition. They too deserve to live a life no matter what the circumstance is. Pets deserve to be treated as human beings regardless if they don’t have the voice to speak. They all communicate in the way God created them to. They too speak a different language like the rest of the world does. They are just as equal , if not better or smarter than human beings. We need them more than they need us.They deserve the healthiest life possible and a family to truly love and care for them unconditionally.